
Nanodigmbio @ ADLM 2023(FormalyAACC)

View: 1066 / Time: 2023-08-22

From July 23 to 27, 2023, the five-day 75th American Association for Clinical Chemistry Annual Scientific Meeting and Clinical Lab Expo (AACC) concluded successfully at the Anaheim Convention Center in California! During the opening ceremony, AACC was officially renamed as the Association for Diagnostics and Laboratory Medicine (ADLM). ADLM is a global scientific and medical professional organization dedicated to clinical laboratory science and its applications in healthcare. ADLM's leadership in education, advocacy, and collaboration helps laboratory professionals adapt to change and leverage their strengths to provide essential insights and guidance, ensuring patients receive the care they need. ADLM's strategic plan sets five innovation, growth, and influence goals: advocacy and influence, the value of laboratory medicine, data analytics in laboratory medicine, scientific advancement, and brand expansion.

Event Highlights
The event featured over 250 specialized seminars, attracting more than 21,300 professionals from 100+ countries and 941 exhibitors globally. The increased attendance indicates a return to pre-pandemic levels of engagement. Attendees had the opportunity to listen to professional, cutting-edge scientific conferences and engage in in-depth discussions with experts. Additionally, they could explore numerous emerging technological products at the world's largest in vitro diagnostic exhibition, making it an ultimate feast of industry exchange and communication.

Nanodigmbio Moments 
During this event, Nanodigmbio unveiled its μCaler AML MRD complete workflow solution, which garnered significant attention and engagement from visitors, showcasing  Nanodigmbio's product innovation and technological prowess. The μCaler AML MRD complete workflow solution is based on liquid-phase hybridization enrichment technology designed specifically for adult acute myeloid leukemia (AML) minimal residual disease (MRD) research. By combining dual molecular labels and μCaler hybridization capture technology, it achieves ultra-high detection sensitivity and can complete the entire experimental process within a single day. The "Nine Major Features" of this solution left a lasting impression on the inquiring participants.

At the exhibition, the Nanodigmbio team engaged in in-depth discussions and exchanges with industry experts from around the world who visited their booth. Among these interactions, Nanodigmbio's μCaler probe design solution and its working principle attracted the attention of many attendees. Nanodigmbio looks forward to further communication and collaboration with these experts after the event.

For Nanodigmbio, this AACC (ADLM) exhibition provided an excellent opportunity to showcase its strength and innovative technological products in the global clinical laboratory medicine market.  In the future, Nanodigmbio will continue its presence at the Medlab Asia & Asia Health exhibition in Thailand, further enhancing its visibility and brand influence in the global molecular diagnostics market and precision medicine field. With confidence in the future, we look forward to continued cooperation in pushing forward the development of clinical laboratory medicine and making more contributions to the field of human health!