
Nanodigmbio Technology and Genome Wisdom signed a strategic cooperation agreement

View: 3099 / Time: 2020-04-07


In April, Genome Wisdom (Beijing) Gene Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Genome Wisdom ") and Nanodigmbio (Nanjing) Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as " Nanodigmbio Technology") signed a strategic cooperation agreement to jointly explore the market of tumor detection, and cooperate with medical institutions by offering tumor NGS detection solution including customized panels, reagents, bioinformatics supply and report interpretation.

Based on the unique artificial intelligence mutation detection technology, Genome Wisdom has developed the gene intelligent report system, iGenome® Reporter, which enables the analysis of NGS data and identification of tumor sites. Users can utilize the  iGenome® Seeker scientific research system, by inputing the NGS data from samples of interest, to analyze the molecular mechanism of tumor pathogenesis. The series of iGenome® products, with high precision, high throughput, automation, and customization are suitable for the self-built NGS laboratory in the hospital.

Nanodigmbio Technology specializes in technologies and applications of next-generation sequencing (NGS) and focuses on the design, development, and production of NGS related field. Nanodigmbio Technology has developed ready-to-use targeted enrichment solution for a variety of applications, including exome sequencing, solid tumors and hematologic disorders detection, low-frequency mutation analysis, virus targeted identification, etc.

At present, due to the complexity of the NGS workflow, bioinformatic analysis, and report interpretation, the pathology department, clinical laboratory, as well as the central laboratory of hospital are facing great technical challenges in the total solution of tumor detection. The strategic cooperation between Genome Wisdom and Nanodigmbio Technology will jointly provide one-stop solutions to meet the needs of the whole process development including the supply, customization, data analysis and interpretation of tumor detection panel, and to help the customers to effectively carry out professional clinical NGS business. To improve the ability of precision oncology in the field of tumor detecting and diagnosis of hospitals, we tried to create series of tumor NGS detection projects suitable for the various requirements in different hospitals.

The cooperation between genome Wisdom and Nanodigmbio Technology has established an innovative  integrated solution, which can not only promote the development of our products and services towards a high level, but also break through the technical bottleneck from the middle to downstream of the tumor NGS detection, and meanwhile, meet the demand of establishing the NGS full process in the hospital.